Tuesday, January 17, 2012

weekend work.

The basement bar project is getting closer. Me and my son got 1/2 of the basement cleaned and built some new shelves for our canned food storage.

The top 2 shelves will be for our food storage, the bottom 2 will be for our canning supplies. Doors will be going on in the future.

We moved a giant cabinet my sister had given me months ago into its place and got it filled with the wine making supplies.

We made a trip to a local bulk store and bought 25lbs of flour, and some spices and other baking supplies. We stopped at a local dairy farm and bought 3 gallons of raw milk, one gallon we traded to a friend for a dozen eggs from her chickens. One gallon is for drinking and the other is for making mozzarella cheese. We bought some hamburger from the farm and it was the best beef burger I've ever had. Will definitely be buying a larger amount to freeze in the future.


  1. It sounds like your finding the good food in your area. We look forward to seeing the finished bar.

  2. Do you find it easier to make cheese from fresh milk? I tried making farmhouse cheddar from usda organic milk from the market and it didn't turn out so well.

  3. Dan, We have only made mozzarella so far. Need to get a cheese press.
